Friends & Family Test

Should you have any suggestions to improve how the Practice operates or manages its services, please complete a Friends and Family Test feedback form.

Friends and Family Test

Overall, how was your experience of our service?

Family & Friends Test Results

The Friends and Family Test Results provide valuable feedback from patients on their experiences with our services. This feedback helps us to identify areas for improvement and ensure that we are delivering the highest quality care to our patients. We greatly appreciate all the feedback we receive and are committed to acting upon it to continuously enhance the care we provide. Thank you to all our patients who have taken the time to share their thoughts with us. Please see results below.


Very Good: 407
Good: 41
Neither Good nor poor: 11
Poor: 4
Very Poor: 5
Don’t Know: 2
Very Good: 315
Good: 55
Neither poor nor good: 8
Poor: 1
Very Poor: 3
Don’t know: 2
Very Good: 247
Good: 29
Neither Good nor poor: 11
Poor: 5
Very Poor: 3
Don’t Know: 3
Very Good: 265
Good: 25
Neither Good nor poor: 11
Poor: 4
Very Poor: 3
Don’t Know:
Very Good: 257
Good: 20
Neither Good nor poor: 8
Poor: 5
Very Poor: 3
Don’t Know: 2
Very Good: 198
Good: 15
Neither Good nor poor: 6
Poor: 3
Very Poor: 1
Don’t Know: 1


Very Good: 167
Good: 22
Neither Good nor poor: 7
Poor: 4
Very Poor: 0
Don’t Know: 0